Feather Play

Feather Play

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Let's learn to quilt CLAMS!


The free motion quilting design
is such a beautiful design!

You can use clams,
in any size,
as a gorgeous background fill!
You can use it large,
in most of your background.
You can use it small,
in just little sections.
And anything in between!

Let's do this!

know every design takes practice!
Get a notebook
and draw the design 
and over,
and over,
and over

This is great to do for 2 reasons...
1. You get to practice the design and get it down 
before taking it your machine.
2. Drawing a design over and over creates a muscle memory 
you need when you go to your machine.

Here is a picture of clams quilted out!

Here's how to create your own...

PLEASE know...
we each have very different hand writing!

(Way to point out the obvious, Nina!)

I say this because...

Your clams will look different from mine.
You friends clams will look different then yours. 
Be happy with YOUR clams!

You can do this!!!!

You get into a groove with this degin!

It's LOADS of FUN!!!


we'll make a little change 
that will totally change the look!

Sew the pieces of life together!
They make a BEAUTIFUL quilt!!!

Nina Clotfelter

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